Need an Impressive Website ?

Everything is Possible

starting from ₹ 10,000 onwards

Our Custom Design Plan is for those who want everything to be done their way by adding and mixing features, using custom elements and sections, and whatever else needed to get the desired look which resembles their Business, Profession or Organizations. All features from Basic and Ecommerce are included along with others and more on demand.

Features & Pricing


Plan 1

₹ 10,000 /-

10+ Pages

Custom Design
UI and UX
Online Payments

Free Domain, Hosting & SSL
1 Business Email Free

Ready in 4 Working Days

Interactive Design
Dynamic Website
Mobile Responsive

Add / Edit Text
Add / Edit Images
Click to Call
Click to WhatsApp

Contact Form
Image Slider
Video Display
SEO Optimized
Visitor Monitoring

Technical Support
Copy Protection
Google Map
Social Media Links
Admin Panel


Plan 2

₹ 20,000 /-

20+ Pages

All of Plan 1 +
Pop Up Box

Free Domain, Hosting & SSL
4 Business Emails Free

Ready in 4 to 7 Working Days

Interactive Design
Dynamic Website
Mobile Responsive

Add / Edit Text
Add / Edit Images
Click to Call
Click to WhatsApp

Contact Form
Image Slider
Video Display
SEO Optimized
Visitor Monitoring

Pop Up Box

Technical Support
Copy Protection
Google Map
Social Media Links
Admin Panel


Plan 3

₹ 34,000 /-

50+ Pages

All of Plan 2 +
Online Chat

Free Domain, Hosting & SSL
10 Business Emails Free

Ready in 4 to 7 Working Days

Interactive Design
Dynamic Website
Mobile Responsive

Add / Edit Text
Add / Edit Images
Click to Call
Click to WhatsApp

Contact Form
Image Slider
Video Display
SEO Optimized
Visitor Monitoring

Pop Up Box
Online Chat

Technical Support
Copy Protection
Google Map
Social Media Links
Admin Panel

Features include
make it easy for people to get a quote from you

Get a Quote

The "Get a Quote" feature on your website streamlines communication with potential customers, boosts conversions, and efficiently qualifies leads. It offers a convenient way for visitors to request project details, enabling you to provide prompt and effective responses.

Order Online

The "Order Online" feature on your website streamlines the purchasing process, boosts sales, and enhances customer convenience. It offers a user-friendly way for visitors to place orders directly through your website, ensuring a seamless and efficient transaction experience.

make it easy for people to buy your products or services
have a restaurant then let your clients book a table easily

Book a Table

The "Book a Table" feature on your website offers convenient and hassle-free table reservations for your restaurant. Visitors can easily book a table online, select their preferred date and time, and provide any special requests. Enhance customer experience, streamline table management, and ensure a seamless dining experience with our user-friendly Book a Table feature.

Schedule Appointment

The "Schedule Appointment" feature on your website simplifies the booking process, allowing visitors to easily schedule appointments with your business. With just a few clicks, customers can select their preferred date and time, choose the service they need, and provide any necessary details. Streamline your appointment management and provide a seamless booking experience with our user-friendly Schedule Appointment feature.

let people schedule appointments to connect with you in person
make it easy to for people to trust you by taking payment on delivery

Cash on Delivery

Integrating the "Cash on Delivery" feature on your website, enables customers to make purchases without upfront payment. Boost trust and convenience by offering this payment option, allowing customers to pay in cash upon delivery. Increase sales, attract more customers, and provide a seamless shopping experience with our secure Cash on Delivery feature.

Online Payment

The "Online Payment" feature on your website simplifies transactions, enhances convenience, and boosts customer satisfaction. It provides a secure and user-friendly way for customers to make payments directly through your website, ensuring a seamless and efficient payment experience.

make it super easy for people to make payments and purchase from your website
let people register for courses and events on time directly from your website


The "Registration" feature on your website simplifies the signup process, boosts engagement, and enhances user experience. It provides a convenient and user-friendly way for visitors to register and create an account directly through your website, enabling them to access exclusive features and personalized content.


Utilize our "Popups" feature on your website to capture visitor attention and drive desired actions. Display targeted messages, promotions, or subscription invitations in eye-catching popups. Maximize conversions, grow your email subscriber list, and nurture customer relationships with our engaging Popups feature.

give your visitors the element of surprise with popups to boost sales
get visible more on google with the help of seo

SEO Optimized

Integrate our "SEO Optimized" feature into your website and watch your online visibility soar. We implement powerful SEO techniques to enhance your website's search engine rankings, attract targeted traffic, and drive organic growth. With keyword optimization, meta tags, and site structure enhancements, we'll help you dominate search results and increase your website's reach. Maximize your online potential with our SEO Optimized feature.

Click to Call & WhatsApp​

The "Click to Call & WhatsApp" feature on your website enhances communication, boosts accessibility, and facilitates instant connections. It provides a convenient and user-friendly way for visitors to initiate phone calls or send messages via WhatsApp with just a click, allowing for real-time interaction and quick resolution of inquiries or support needs.

make it easy for your visitors to connect with you over call and whatsapp with a single click
let your visitors know where you are located with google maps

Google Map

The "Google Maps" feature on your website provides interactive maps, enhances location visibility, and facilitates easy navigation for visitors. By embedding Google Maps, you can display your business address, offer directions, and help users find your physical location. It improves user experience, increases foot traffic, and strengthens your local presence.

Picture & Video Gallery

The "Picture & Video Gallery" feature on your website enhances visual engagement, showcases your work or products, and captivates visitors. With a well-organized gallery, you can display high-quality images and videos, allowing users to explore your portfolio, view product demonstrations, and get a closer look at your offerings in a visually appealing and interactive way.

display a wide range of images and video of your business to highlight your business
let your visitors reach out to you and speak their hearts out on your reviews section


The "Reviews" feature on your website enhances credibility, fosters trust, and encourages customer engagement. By providing a platform for customers to share their feedback and experiences, you can showcase positive reviews, build social proof, and establish a trustworthy reputation. It helps potential customers make informed decisions and promotes a transparent and interactive relationship with your audience.


Blogging is an impactful feature on your website that allows you to share valuable content, engage your audience, and establish thought leadership. With a user-friendly blogging platform, you can easily create and publish articles, share insights, provide industry updates, and foster meaningful interactions with your readers.

add in fresh content daily on your website with new blogs to spice the search engine
earn from the visitors you get by making them offers to purchase with affiliate ads

Affiliate Marketing

The "Affiliate Marketing" feature on your website opens up new revenue streams, expands your reach, and promotes collaborative partnerships. By offering an affiliate program, you can incentivize affiliates to promote your products or services, driving traffic and generating sales. It's a powerful way to leverage the influence of others to grow your business.

Google AdSense

The "Google AdSense" feature on your website enables monetization, diversifies revenue streams, and maximizes advertising opportunities. By integrating Google AdSense, you can display targeted ads on your website, generating income based on user clicks or impressions. It's an effective way to leverage the power of online advertising and earn revenue from your website traffic.

let google show ads to your visitors and earn a good money from your website
give out more content to your visitors by encouraging them to fill in their email address

Newsletter Subscription

The "Newsletter Subscription" feature on your website allows visitors to sign up and receive regular updates, exclusive content, promotions, or industry insights via email. It helps you build an email subscriber list, nurture customer relationships, and drive repeat traffic to your website.

Live Chat

The "Live Chat" feature on your website facilitates real-time communication, enhances customer support, and boosts user engagement. By offering instant messaging capabilities, visitors can connect with your team directly, receive immediate assistance, and have their questions answered promptly. It provides a personalized and efficient way to address inquiries, resolve issues, and create positive customer experiences.

connect with your visitors and solve their queries instantly with live chat
track the number of visitors you get on a daily basis to plan your marketing

Visitor Monitoring

The "Visitor Monitoring" feature on your website empowers you to gain valuable insights into your audience. By tracking and analyzing visitor behavior, you can understand their preferences, identify popular content, and optimize your website to enhance user experience.

Copy Protection

The "Copy Protection - No Right Click" feature on your website safeguards your valuable content and prevents unauthorized copying or plagiarism. By disabling the right-click functionality, you can protect your text, images, and multimedia from being easily copied or downloaded without permission. Preserve the integrity of your original work and maintain control over your content.

stop your visitors from copy pasting your valuable content or downloading your pictures

Call Now


Custom - Plan 1

How we Work

Connect with us via phone call, WhatsApp, or by filling out the Contact Form.

During the phone call, we will discuss your requirements in detail and determine the best budget for designing your website. You will also need to provide us with the necessary content, information, and details for the website.

Afterwards, you will be required to make an initial payment to book our services. The book amount will be a percentage of the total cost, ranging between 25% to 40%. Additionally, please send your content, information, and details to us via email or WhatsApp.

Depending on your specific requirements, it may take several days to several weeks for us to provide you with the demo website link. When you book our services, we will inform you of the estimated timeframe for delivering the initial live demo link.

Please note that we do not offer demo websites as static images. Instead, we provide a live working website demo link that includes all your details, images, information, features, and elements. You can access and evaluate it on your computer, laptop, tablets, and smartphones.

After reviewing the demo, if you are not satisfied with it, we offer the option to redesign the website according to your requirements. You can request a maximum of three revisions to ensure the website meets your expectations.

Once you are satisfied with the final demo, you will need to make the remaining payment. Upon receiving the payment, we will make your website live within the next two hours.

We accept payments through Google Pay, PhonePe, Paytm, Paypal, Stripe, bank transfers, as well as credit and debit cards.

Custom - Plan 2

Custom - Plan 3

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